"You must be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi-

"You must be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi-

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monday, Monday

Happy March! Today has been quite a lazy day. I woke up and looked out the window and saw that it was snowing again. I am hoping that the nice weather comes back soon. It was here for a minute and now its chilly again. Anyway, nothing great is going on just the same ole same ole. I just finished two of my grad school classes which means that I am getting a nice little 9 day break. My birthday is Saturday. Not too sure what the plans are yet, but my friend Jaimie is moving back to Korea today which is quite exciting! :)

Well its back to the couch for now for a movie day. I'm thinking about checking in Itaewon later to see if the new Taco Bell is open yet....mmmmmmmmmmm 4 years in Korea without a Taco Bell....now that's roughing it!

My First Blog

Hello! I thought it would be a good idea to sign on to this website and start documenting my life. My family has been encouraging me to start journaling, so I guess I'll give this a shot. Every time I start to write things by hand, it was too tiring.

Well, I have been in Seoul, South Korea for four years now, and I'm completing my last semester at an international school here in the city. Since being in Korea, I have been all over the world, and I love to travel: Kenya, South Africa, China, India, Uganda, Hong Kong, Thailand, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Jamaica, Mexico, North Korea, Phillipines (in March) just to name a few (a total of 23 to date). It has been quite amazing. Snorkeling in Thailand, white water rafting in Uganda, volunteering at an orphanage and Maasai Mara Safari in Kenya, climbing the Great Wall of China, riding elephants and Gandhi's cremation site in India and seeing the Taj Mahal, the Pyramids of Egypt and awesome beach in Sharm el Sheikh, floating in the Dead Sea and the Wailing Wall in Israel, lunch and visiting Jesus's birth site in Bethlehem or as some call "Palestine", cruising the Caribbean, Robben Island (Nelson Mandela's prison cell)-Table Mountain-and the wineries in South Africa, partying in Hong Kong, crossing the DMZ line into North Korea *yikes,* visiting the palaces and Namsan Tower of South Korea, Hagia Sofia and awesome Turkish food in Istanbul, Buddhist temples and Taipei 101 in Taiwan, experiencing my first culture shock in Japan, and much more. Although I do not have it written down, my pictures will tell the story.

So, from this day forward I will document my trips.

Currently, I'm excited about June. I'm going home for the entire summer to be with family and friends, then it's off to Guatemala to teach second grade at an international school. I hope to travel all over Central and South America, so my journeys have just begun :)

I'm also working on my master's degree in International Education. I will be finishing next fall with future plans of becoming a principal of an international school.

That's about it for now. Let my blogging adventure begin...